A baby is an angel whose wings decrease as his legs increase. ~Author Unknown

Growing up can be so much fun!

Remember Baby Kayla? We photographed her arrival a couple of weeks ago and now, we’re celebrating her full month celebration. Time flies! She has grown a little but still as cute! Baby Kayla is in PINK today and all prepared to be hugged by everyone. The celebration was a gathering filled with loves and fun […]

We’ve got Baby Danielle in the studio today. She doesn’t seem to be able to sleep much today but nonetheless, when she’s asleep, we managed to get pretty good shots! Do enjoy some of the photos we took of Baby Danielle.

Baby Kayla is one day old when we head over to photograph her at Thomas Medical Centre. She is so cute and peaceful. Do enjoy the photo montage we did for Kayla.

THUMBS UP! Congratulations to Baby Aerin! She is ONE! Look how happy she is playing through her birthday! Do enjoy some of the photos taken today!
- baby, birthday, children, fun, growing up, kids, photography, play, props, studio,

A new baby is like the beginning of all things – wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities. ~Eda J. Le Shan We have got Baby Olivia in the studio today! Lots of patience and effort is needed when it comes to newborn photography but the pictures we get in the end often proves that all […]

We have baby Kyan with us today in the studio. And, we are all ready to get some simple yet gorgeous photos taken. Black and white photos may seem easy, but it is not at that easy after all. Many shades of grey, different kinds of contrast, the highlights and the shadows – there’s so […]

Alyssa is one of the newborns we shot in the very beginning of 2014. This was a on-location shoot at Baby Alyssa’s home. She managed to sleep almost throughout the whole session, making the shoot a very smooth one. When the baby smiles, the world melts.

Hey, I’ve got nothing to do today but smile. ~Paul Simon, “Only Living Boy in New York”
- baby, fun, growing up, kids, photography, play, studio,
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